Nine Essential Dog-Walking Tools to Always Have on Hand

Walking into a pet supply store can be overwhelming for anyone. Aisles full of various collar, leash, toy, and treat options can make it difficult for a pet owner to find the right items for their pet. Marketing gimmicks and promotions can also lead to impulse purchases that a pet owner may later regret. 

Here, we’ve outlined nine different tools (and some tips for choosing them) that make walking any dog more enjoyable. If you take this list with you to the pet supply store, you can leave with just the necessary items for a positive walking experience.  

1. A proper harness.

While there are many different collar options available, we at Happy Tails Pet Services believe that a properly-fitted harness is the best option for walking a dog. A secure harness prevents a dog from escaping, and is a comfortable, pain-free option. While back-clip harnesses are great for small dogs and those that do not pull, a front-clip harness is more effective for pullers when used properly.

2. A standard leash.

An overly long or retractable leash can easily get tangled or slip out of your hands. We prefer a standard, 6-foot leash made of flat nylon, rope, or leather. Standard leashes are easy to hold, provide a dog with just enough room to sniff and do their business, and come in a variety of different color and material options. 

3. High value treats.

Treats are a great way to refocus and redirect your dog when on a walk. Whether your dog has issues with pulling, reacting to other dogs, or just needs a little extra motivation, a high value treat (something that your dog just can’t resist) is a great tool for keeping your dog happy and safe on a walk.

4. Sturdy poop bags.

It’s never a good idea to leave home without a poop bag. Be a considerate neighbor and bring a roll with you when you take your dog(s) for a walk. Not only will picking up your pet’s waste help keep the neighborhood sidewalks clean, it will also help prevent unwanted pests (like rats).  

5. A collection of carabiners.

Carabiners are a great tool for keeping your hands relatively free during a walk. You can easily hook your keys, poop bags, and even a leash to your pants/belt with a carabiner or two. 

6. A self-defense item.

A self-defense item such as citronella or pepper spray is a great thing to carry with you on walks in case you encounter off-leash, aggressive animals. Citronella spray and an umbrella can both be used to deter an approaching animal without causing any harm. Pepper spray, on the other hand, is a more powerful deterrent that will cause some eye irritation and pain while avoiding long-term injury. 

7. Comfortable walking shoes.

A lot of people don’t realize the importance of proper footwear when walking dogs. Because dogs can be unpredictable at times and may pull or lunge, it is important that you choose shoes that provide proper ankle and arch support. This will ensure that your walks are enjoyable and do not result in lingering pain or injury. 

8. A well-stocked first aid kit.

A variety of minor accidents can happen to you or your dog while on a walk. Having a well-stocked first aid kit at home will allow you to take care of basic injuries without having to make a run to the store. A first aid kit should include essentials like bandages, gauze, hydrogen peroxide, ointments, tweezers, and paw wax.  

9. A high-powered flashlight/headlamp.

If you plan to walk at night, a charged flashlight or headlamp is essential for safety. This will help you navigate any bumps or barriers along your way, and will make you visible to drivers and other pedestrians.